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CCMF Almira Al Zaira
Southern Charms Ramblin Rose x Mountain Meadows Amir Al Ahmar
Mountain Meadows Amir Al Ahmar x Southern Charms Ramblin Rose
AMHA: A202250 - AMHR - NMPRS
2008- 33,50"- Silver bay roan
Breeder: Ginny Long- CCMF Farm, USA

How do we begin to explain this mare..CCMF Almira Al Zaira is one of the best and most winning mares in all of the Miniature horse history! She is a true legend and we are extremely proud to have her. Not alone is she herself a stunning beauty that represents a true Arabian in miniature. She has all the grace and elegance of a big horse combined in a 33,50" package. Zaira was a prolific show winner that won Multiple National Reserve Grand Champion, Multiple World Champion and National Grand Champion titles.
Next to her championship titles she has also proved herself a top producer. Her offspring are also each and everyone of them stunning show horses that almost always took home Supreme Champions when they showed.
Zaira is in foal to the stunning triple registered Ericas Commander In Chief for a 2025 foal!
AMHR National Show 2008​
National Champion Weanling Filly 28" and Under
World Show 2008​
World Reserve Champion Weanling Filly Over 26-30"​​​​
AMHR National Show 2009​
National Reserve Champion Junior Mare
National Reserve champion Youth mare
National Champion Yearling Filly under
National Grand Champion Junior Mare Under
AMHA Eastern Regional Show 2011​
Eastern Regional Champion Senior Mares 32-34"
Eastern Regional Grand Champion Senior Mare
AMHR National Show 2011​
National Reserve Grand Champion Mare
AMHA World Show 2011​​
World Champion Senior Mare 32-34"
World Reserve Grand Champion Senior Mare
Show results
Multiple National Champion
Multiple World Champion
Multiple National Reserve Grand Champion
World Reserve Grand Champion
Multiple Supreme Champion Producer

Zaira is such a unique mare.. just look at all her show reults listed above. There aren't many horses that can win Multiple National and World Championships, Multiple Reserve and Grand Champions and World Reserve Grand Champion.
What an incredible mare, with her gorgeous elongated neck, Arabian head and seemingly fine figure. She is truly a unique mare who also gives her full beauty to her foals.

Zaira is an exquisite producer... each one of her foals have been sensational show winners!! Her first daughter "At Last Trips Lil Layla" is a World Champion, her second daughter "Eleven Burtons Last Bombshell" is Multiple Reserve Grand Champion, her daughter "Kingswood After Dark Cose Della Vita" is a Multiple Supreme and Reserve Supreme Champion. Her son "Kingswood After Dark Maserati" is a Multiple Supreme Champion in Denmark, her last son "Kingswood Country Rule The World was a Multiple Supreme Champion in only 1 show!

At Last Trips Lil Layla
*World Champion

Kingswood After Dark Cose Della Vita
*Multiple Supreme Champion
*Multiple Reserve Supreme Champion

Kingswood Country Rule The World
*Multiple Supreme Champion

Eleven Burtons Last Bombshell
*Multiple Reserve Grand Champion

Kingswood After Dark Maserati
*Multiple Supreme Champion

Kingswood Country Lolana
*Multiple Reserve Grand Champion

CCMF Almira Al Zaira's parents
Zaira has some very unique and sought after bloodlines. Her dam is Southern Charms Ramblin Rose, Multiple National Champion Producer.
Zaira's sire is the National Grand Champion Mountain Meadows Amir Al Ahmar otherwise known as the "Bay Prince", he is one of the most incredibly refined stallions in the breed. Prince was gelded very soon in his life but he has produced many World Champions and National Champions.

Dam: Southern Charms Ramblin Rose

Sire: Mountain Meadows Amir Al Ahmar
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