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Covergirls Voluptuous Hawk
Covergirls Angel Eyes By Fabian x Champion Farms Nighthawk

Champion Farms Nighthawk x Covergirls Angel Eyes By Fabian
AMHA: A232670 - AMHR: 345380T
2017- 34,00"- Palomino tovero
Breeder: Charlene Eisenmerger- Covergirls Miniature Horses, USA.
Yet again we are so proud and excited to introduce our new sublime broodmare; she is a direct daughter of the best stallion in the industry "Champion Farms Nighthawk"!! Nighthawk is the ultimate top broodmare producing stallion in the world. His daughters have produced countless World Champions and World Grand Champions! We believe very highly in this bloodline and have quite a few Nighthawk offspring in our breeding program.
On her dams side she is a daughter of "Covergirls Angel Eyes by Fabian" a beautiful mare by "Buck Ons Suprema Donna" and Multiple World Champion "LM Idols Fabian Hawk" a son of the legendary First Knights Billy Idol!
We are so lucky to have one of the youngest Nighthawk daughters. She is a real dream with her gorgeous head, Hawk neck, beautiful body and overall elegance.. We cannot wait to breed her in the future to top stallions..

We cannot believe how perfect this mare is.. she has everything; the body, the incredible neck, long legs short back and a gorgeous head. Her bloodlines are also exactly what everyone dreams of.. she is truly a gem for us.

Covergirl Voluptuous Hawk's parents
Mademoiselle has the most prestigious blood in the world: her dam is a daughter of LM Idols Fabian Hawk; a First Knights Billy Idol son by a Nighthawk mare, Covergirls Angel Eyes By Fabian. Her dam is Buck Ons Suprema Dona, a Little Kings Buck On Broadway daughter and the dam of our incredible World Reserve Grand Champion mare Covergirls Idols Ice Princess. She is the dam of many World Champions, Reserve World Grand Champions and European Supreme Champions!!
Her sire is Champion Farms Nighthawk, is in our opnion one of the best stalllions ever born.. he is a top producer of broodmares and breeding stallions. We love Nighthawk and generation after generation he produces Champions again and again.

Dam: Covergirls Angel Eyes By Fabian

Sire: Champion Farms Nighthawk
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